Real Life For Your Heart
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Where did it go?
of oneness. The Greek word (koinos) in (Acts 2:44) denotes a union. Belonging to something in common that is literally shared by all. The Christians in Jerusalem shared all t they had.
This is the work of the Holy Spirit. He transforms our minds to care and love for God's creation. Everyone benefited from God’s gifts. This mindset brings common sense to every complex issue that comes up.
Please read aloud to your spirit. 31} "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
32} And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." (Acts 4:31-32 KJV).
I realize I have spoken about common sense in the past. But there are times when things need repeating. Jesus repeated himself many times to his followers. How often do parents have to repeat things to their children?
Common sense is sound judgment in practical matters. You can find common sense words coming from the lips of one the wisest men in the Bible, Solomon. In (Proverbs 8:5) some translations speak of “common sense."
Other translations simply call it prudence. That is one of my earlier words of defining common sense. Biblically, common sense can be thought of as a combination of wisdom and discretion (Proverbs 3:21; 8:12–14).
Wisdom is knowing what to do; discretion is knowing when and where to do it. Many political leaders fail in this because of pride, power, and selfishness. Without wisdom they struggle to read the community.
When we act foolishly in thought and actions, we bring destruction upon the innocent. Again, having no common sense or being void of understanding, brings misery to the masses as the (Proverbs 7:7; 24:30).
When you are devoid of something, that means you are lacking something that needs to be corrected. The Hebrew word void (châsêr) means to have a lacking. To be without. To be destitute and failing. To want and be needy.
[The book of Proverbs proclaims the benefits of gaining wisdom and also shows the folly of being a fool (Proverbs 13:16; 16:22; 26:11). The Bible says God’s wisdom offers us discretion, which is a “life-giving fountain."]
This allows those who use common sense to become happy, healthy, and alive forever. Is this you today? If your answer is yes, then you can live in common sense thinking instead of foolish Limburger cheese "stinkum- thinkum."
13} "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. 14} For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. (Proverbs 3:13-14 KJV).
This is God's living word offering common sense thinking to our hearts and minds. We just have to embrace what he's offering us. Meditating on God’s word brings maturity and common sense.
Many leaders and people have become ensnared in trouble and heartache because they rejected a wise path and sought instead immediate satisfaction. Common sense is often developed by learning from consequences of poor choices.
The body of Christ is not exempt from lacking in common sense direction the church should move in. My mother used to call it the school of hard knocks. She would say, "A hard head makes a soft behind."
She would also tell us to stop using our brain as a "Hat rack." Of course, we all may make bad choices in life. I've certainly made many. But the key is, do we learn from them. There is a difference between the wise and the foolish.
It just means one learns from his mistakes and the other keeps repeating them. Look at many of our political leaders. They continue to walk in incompetence. Common sense says don't allow repeat crime offenders back on the street.
Common sense says, don't give controlled drug addicts more drugs to alleviate their addiction so they won't overdose. You’re just killing them at a slower pace. Common sense says remove the drugs completely from them.
Common sense says you don't allow people to commit retail theft up to a certain amount. You'll only cause the smaller businesses to suffer greater hardship. Locking up the toothpaste will cause others to shop elsewhere.
You can find a lack of common sense everywhere. You see people on your local news and the internet doing things that make you scratch your head. Sometimes we laugh, not in a "I don't care attitude, but how could they be so careless.
Like someone trying to pet a baby alligator. They should realize the mother is probably close by. How about when people bring home wild animals into their house and wonder why they were attacked.
How about the family man who sets up a summer "Slip & Slide" mat from his roof to his yard. Didn't he know there is a height and weight restriction? I could go on and on. Where is the common sense?
Did you know Satan is the culprit behind this mindless spiritual phenomenon. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy your common sense thinking. (John 10:10; Proverbs 12:16; 14:15-16; 15:5; 18:2; 24:9; 26:17).
It seems some people are born with a more level head as I spoke about earlier. Others learn from experience. Either way, wisdom and common sense should be continually pursued in order to experience the best God has for you.
We should, as a people pray and bring back the Ten Commandments into our public thinking. We should seek God first in all our complex decision making. Moses learned this from his father-in-law Jethro. David learned to consult God after making bad choices.
We should heed the words of Jesus concerning planning, waiting, and seeking (Luke 14:31-32). This applies to the fires in California, the hurricanes in Florida, the extreme heat in the south, and the bitter cold in the north.
Common sense says, address these weather pattern concerns beforehand, right? Some might say, it’s easy to be a Monday morning spectator. Yes, that can be true. But bringing the wisdom manual (The Bible), helps to make your point true.
You see my beloved friends, wisdom from God looks at any situation and says here's what you do. Remember what Mary told those at the wedding who had no wine? She did not hesitate to tell others to listen to him.
"His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5 KJV). Mary recognized that Jesus was more than her human son, he was the Son of God. He gives wisdom that brings joy and peace.
When we bring our problems to Jesus, we may think we know how he should take care of them. But he may have a completely different plan from ours. His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways. (Isaiah 55:9-11).
James describes the wisdom that comes from above as being pure, peaceable, gentle, and full of mercy. The worldly wisdom is earthly, sensual, and devilish. See the difference? You can read these words into your spirit.
Seeking God’s wisdom delivers us from the quick destructive decisions that affect others around us. (James 3:13-18). The Bible also says that the desire for instant gratification is the enemy of common sense.
Many leaders in our country today lack understanding. Their community is constantly telling them about issues that need addressed, but they don't understand. They simply need an understanding heart.
Our nation needs a return to common sense. We are allowing many leaders to lead us over the cliff of destruction. Pray for those who have the spiritual heart of Nehemiah. Think and read about what he did when Jerusalem's walls were broken
When we pray for God’s guidance and discernment through the Holy Spirit, we can rest assured that God will provide wisdom! We do not have to worry about our next step or tomorrow because we know who guides us.
🗣📢 Last words: Have you ever known anyone who claimed to be wise but who acted foolishly? True wisdom can be measured by the depth of a person’s character.
Just as you can identify a tree by the type of fruit it produces, you can evaluate your wisdom by the way you behave. Foolishness leads to disorder, but wisdom leads to peace and goodness
Did you know, God, through his Son, Jesus, can wash away the deadly effects of damaging choices we make? (Titus 3:4-8). Bad common sense can be corrected. Gid can give us a joyful perspective on our present life.
The fountain of youth was only a dream, but God’s “life-giving fountain” is real. You have a choice: You can be enlightened by God’s wisdom, or you can be dragged down by the weight of your own foolishness.
Here's your spiritual prescription for what you may be lacking. Take as prescribed by the Holy Spirit (Proverbs 2:1–11). Continue to take other nourishing words as he leads you.
Now I know I can come to you for common sense answers.
🛐 Here’s a prayer to pray to gain common sense. "Heavenly Father, thank you for today's uplifting message. Lord, I (we) need common sense revival under my roof and throughout our community. Sometimes hard truth moves us.
Lord, today I (we) need wisdom from your heavenly treasure. Your word promises us, if we ask in faith that you will give us wisdom in every small and large decision that’s before us. We need direction, guidance, and your counsel.
Lord, fix our falling communities and broken lives with words of healing and renewed minds. Thank you, that we don’t have to rely on our own understanding, as your wisdom will guide us to our exact purpose.
Thank you that we can come to your throne and ask anything. We ask for your lightened path and thank you for the gift and power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the problems in our homes and community, in Jesus' name, Amen."
❤ "If you would like to know Jesus as your Savior, please read the drop-down page entitled "How to know Jesus."
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🙏 Please remember to pray for the people in Israel. They are God's people because of his covenant promises to them. (Genesis 12:1-3; Numbers 6:22-27; 24:8-9). ✝️
☎️ Prayer Line- Text line- 412-616-3572
👶🍼 Please remember to pray for the voiceless and defenseless next weekend during sanctity of life weekend. God loves the unborn unconditionally.
I'm always amazed, and heartbroken how those who favor abortion don't tell each other that they should abort themselves. Why pray tell? Because they desire to live once born.
Babies in the womb have a desire to live also. Jesus told us two things about life that I love. He told his disciples that he did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. That includes the womb.
He also told us that he came to give us life, and life more abundantly. God is never in favor of murder. We keep the bald eagle from extinction, but we kill beautiful babies in the womb. Where's the common sense?