Real Life For Your Heart

More than ever before we need to see where our relationship with the Lord is. It’s been said that this is the new normal we live in today. The world may be a new normal, but for the body of Christ our focus is clearer than ever before. Paul said that nothing can separate us from God's love (Romans 8:35-39). We are pilgrims just passing through (Hebrews 11:13). While we wait for our souls to be with Jesus, we are told to study his word (2 Timothy 2:15). The Berean's searched the scriptures for themselves to verify the message they heard. (Acts 17:11) Have fun with these quiz videos. Knowledge of God's word will help us during difficult times.

May his living word live in your heart. Give the bible as a gift to someone you love.
Have fun,
Pastor Todd Boxley
Try Jesus Ministry

*Please note: videos will be renewed every 3 months. Have Fun with God's word!
@New videos from 1-1-25 to 3-31-25