Real Life For Your Heart

Praying against the Coronavirus
With our country trying to deal with epidemic news every day, has the information you and your family received left you with more questions than answers? I've noticed some states are dealing with CDC news differently than other states. Who do you trust? Does prayer, wisdom, discernment, knowledge play a role in how you handle an enemy you can't see?
How does God want us to approach this epidemic? The answer is quite simple to me. Take everything to God and let him handle the situation. When Moses stood before Pharaoh and his magicians, God would show his power over all evil that Pharaohs magicians claimed to have. It started with blood the water and ended with the death of Pharaohs son. {Exodus 7-12} God showed he was in control over all living things and over nature.
Satan is a counterfeit. He is limited in power and defeated in his stance against God. Jesus defeated him, and the Holy Spirit has defeated him. God told Jeremiah {32:27} "behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? Even when Christians succumb to the virus, it's still a blessing for the authentic believers.
Here’s what God's word says about Christians that die. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." {Psalm 116:15} Christians need not fear COVID-19. Did not Jesus tell us all we needed to know in {John 14:27} Having done all to stand {Ephesians 6:13} means we still stand against what COVID-19 is doing in our country. Unbelievers do not have this assurance against the virus.
Just at the right time when the disciples feared for their lives in the boat, Jesus uttered these words to the destructive storm, "peace be still" Can you imagine Jesus saying to the virus, "It is enough, dissipate from this place" Saints, God is in total control of this pestilence. Please read Psalm 91:7 for encouragement.
Finally {Proverbs 3:5,6} tells us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts...... I realize sometimes it feels like our faith is on shaking ground. Always remember, Jesus is our strong foundation. He overcame the world. Here is a powerful prayer you can pray against the Coronavirus:
“Lord we ask you to bind the snake of deception, the viper of the religious spirit and the venomous serpent of the Coronavirus. We ask you Lord to break its global unholy alliance to stop the global outpouring of revival. Lord, we ask you to cast out the attack of the snake of Deception, the viper of the religious spirit and the venomous serpent of the Coronavirus, in Jesus Name, Amen.”
The root of the virus is a 3 stranded cord attack against revival. {Isaiah 14:29} says, “Do not rejoice, all you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken; from the root of that snake will spring up a viper, its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent”
This is a 3 stranded cord global attack of the Coronavirus is against the global outpouring that the Lord is bringing. The 3 stranded cord consists of: - The snake of deception; - The viper 'religious spirit' (Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of Vipers); and - The venomous serpent that is the virus.
(from a prayer warrior)
Pastor Todd Boxley
Worship Center Ministry